
Amy McGovern

Joined AIAIA Board: 2020


  • St. Catherine University; Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

  • Argosy University: Master of Arts in School Psychology

Career Summary:

  • 10 years practicing School Psychologist in Arizona public schools; Phoenix, Arizona

  • Current Lead Psychologist for Osborn School District 

Why you’re proud to be a Trustee of Arm in Arm: I have had the honor of being a two-time delegate for AIAIA. Through those life-changing experiences, I have seen the meaningful impact Arm and Arm has made on individuals, families and communities; not only in the supply of food but also in supporting education and health care. Father Cassidy often speaks of the African philosophy of Ubuntu which can mean “My humanity is inextricably bound up in yours.” I see how AIAIA truly embodies the ideas of connection, community and mutual caring for all.